Thursday, October 13, 2016

Well, here we are again. It has been about a week since my last post. So far this week, I have only ran/walked one day. My shins are killing me, although it seems the compression sleeves really helped with this last run. I also have terrible Plantar pain, which is making it really uncomfortable to even walk.

I did go to they gym yesterday despite all of this to try and get a good workout in. I did my C25K run and added an additional 15 minutes of walking to just try to keep my heart rate up to burn more calories. I also did this to try and get in more steps for my weekly fitbit challenge, my friends husband was almost 10,000 steps ahead of me and I hate losing to him by such a huge margin, so I was trying to catch up. After my fun, my friend met me at the gym. I will refer to her as CJ. She and I did an arm workout, which consisted for bench presses, curls, triceps pull down and lat rows. We started at a low weight for 10 reps and added weight and lowered reps each round. I was pretty proud of myself for doing 90 lbs. on my bench press. Not my best, but I haven't done it in so long, I will take it. Tonight is legs again, squats, lunges, burpees and box jumps, along with a run.

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