Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Start

So, here we are.  This is the start of my fitness journey. I have started this journey several times before and always end up back at the beginning.  This time, I am going to try a blog and hopefully it will help keep me accountable and on track.

I like millions of other people struggle with my weight and image.  I know I shouldn't, as we are all unique and beautiful individuals in our own way, but I just want to be the best version of me that I can be.  I am at the highest weight I have ever been and it disgusts me. I hate looking in the mirror and being in pictures, because I honestly don't like the person I see there.  Now, I know I will never be a model, or a model's size, because it is unrealistic for me and I just don't think it would be healthy.  However, I would like to be a healthy weight and just be happier with myself overall.

I have always struggled with my weight. I was made fun of in school, even though I was never really that overweight. I just didn't meet the beauty standards we are constantly faced with in magazine, on TV and now social media. Due to this, I was an emotional eater.  I state was, as I realize that I had that issue and I have since take steps to correct it.  I still eat on occasion when I get really stressed out, but I try keep healthy snacks on hand. Things such as celery with PB2 or popcorn.  Something quick and satisfying without to many calories.

This week, I started the C25K program again.  I have done 2 days this far and I can tell you my shins hate me.  I have terrible shin splints, so as I sit here typing, I have my feet up and compression sleeves on.  I probably should have worn a pair when I did my run/walk tonight, but I have this fear of looking really dumb while wearing them.  I know I shouldn't feel that way and that they will help, but can you seriously imagine just how goofy I would look wearing black and gray camo capri's with blue butterfly shin/calf compression sleeves and a neon green workout top.  I would look like a hot mess.

My plan is to supplement the C25K program with weight training. So I would be alternating the days I run and the days I lift weights.  So far this week I have just managed two days of running, but hey, we all start somewhere right.

Well, I am signing off for the night. Here's to hoping I get my weight workout in tomorrow. I am thinking legs, which means squats and lunges. Oh boy!

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