Monday, January 9, 2017

New Year and New Goals

Here we are in a new year. Thousands of people have made the resolution that this is the new year, new me. What does that really mean? Why do we need a new year to work on ourselves? Not only on the outside, but the inside as well. I am sure people have made resolutions to be kinder, nicer, more understanding. My question is why are these things resolutions and not things we seek on a daily basis? Why isn't self-improvement something we should strive for every single day.

We all fight silent battles. Every single one of us. Every single day. Whether you want to admit it or not. My battles include being overweight, having an unhealthy self-image. I avoid mirrors at all costs, because I hate looking at myself. Depression, which I battle daily. Your battles may be different than mine, but you still have them. So I want to know why anyone would want to add to someone's battles by being cruel or mean? Does this give you some form of power in the few you've made another person feel bad about themselves? I am sorry, but I just don't understand the need for that cruelty and how that person can make a "resolution" to be a better person. How about just being a better person and remember that we all walk different paths and struggles.

Sorry about that wondering rant. Now to move on to the real point of this post. I have made some fitness resolutions this year that I would like to achieve. To me they are just small ones, but hopefully attainable. I did have a long discussion with my doctor last month about my continued struggle with losing weight and what I was doing right and wrong. After that discussion she thought it was best that I go on a low calorie diet (currently about 1300 calories a day), and take a prescribed medication called Saxenda that will help trigger the part of your brain that signals you are full so you will eat less.

The first week of the low calorie diet was pretty difficult.  It was an adjustment to find the right foods that would make me feel full for each meal and snacks. I think I have a pretty good balance now, even though there are days I eat more starchy carbs than I should. But changes don't happen overnight, do they?

One of my goals is to become more flexible and I want to be able to do a handstand. So, I am decided to try yoga. There is an app called Down Dog you can use if you want to do yoga at home, but I think I am going to go take classes for a little while to get support and to ensure I have proper form.  My hope is that this will increase my flexibility as well as strength and self-awareness.

One of my other resolutions is to spend more time just working on me and learning self-love. It's hard to be a female in this world. Society has made women feel like they have to live up to certain expectations and look a certain way. If you don't you suddenly become the subject of cruelty and peer pressure. I was always the heavy girl in school. Always. I was also the girl that everyone made fun of for being overweight. I can tell you those things leave scars, they just aren't visible. The best quote I have ever heard is that you can tell a girl she is beautiful,  she will believe it for a moment, but if  someone tells her she is ugly, she will believe it for a lifetime. That one word does so much damage that is hard to fix, but that's what I am trying to do.

Tell me what are some of your goals and resolutions this year?

I will also try to get better about posting in the future and how my progress towards my goals is coming.